サントリー ワイン スクエア
1989年愛知県生まれ。同志社大学在学中、留学先のニュージーランドでワインに魅了され、2014年にソムリエ資格を取得。2017年「第8回全日本最優秀ソムリエコンクール」優勝。2018年「第4回A.S.I.アジア・オセアニア最優秀ソムリエコンクール」優勝。2019年よりサントリーワイン・ブランドアンバサダー。京阪グループのフラッグシップホテルTHE THOUSAND KYOTOのシェフソムリエを務める。いま日本で最も注目されるソムリエの一人。
2019.09.20記事: 岩田渉(アンバサダー)
今回はサントリーの看板商品の1つでもある「ジャパンプレミアム 津軽産シリーズ」がうまれる、青森県弘前市にあります、ぶどう畑を見て参りました。冒頭の写真は、岩木山の麓に広がるりんご畑とぶどう畑です。今回も快晴のお天気に恵まれました。
さて、話がすこし逸れてしまいましたが、今回は「ジャパンプレミアム 津軽産シリーズ」のぶどうをつくっている栽培家の方にお会いして参りました。
津軽という土地が持つ優位性やその文化、それを表現する地域に根付く人々、そしてそれらをサポートし、次世代に繋げていけるようなサステイナブルな環境を作り上げていくことができる組織。これらが1つになった時に、より魅力的なものとして発展していくことができるのではないかと思います。「田んぼアート」のように、ワインを通じてこの津軽のユニークで素晴らしい産地をもっともっとアピールできるように、私もサントリーのワイン・ブランドアンバサダーとして、より多くの方々に「ジャパンプレミアム 津軽産シリーズ」のワインの味わいだけでなく、その豊かなストーリーも伝えていければと思います。
I visited a vinery in Hirosaki City in Aomori Prefecture where “Japan Premium Tsugaru,” one of the leading products is produced. This time again I was blessed with good weather during the mid-August visit. As soon as I landed at Aomori Airport, a pleasant cool breeze blew, making me realize that I had come to the northern part of Japan where you can enjoy constant cool breezes even in summer. This is a location completely different from my home town Kyoto located in a basin which has a very humid summer.
On the way from Aomori Airport to Hirosaki, I dropped by at Rice Field Art of Inakadatemura Village in Aomori Prefecture. Do you know it? Inakadatemura Village is the smallest municipality in Aomori Prefecture with a population of 8000. At the village, you can see gorgeous rice paddy art created by various varieties of rice.
Even while I was there, I saw many tourists, admiring the spectacular view despite being a weekday. This event, which draws about 300,000 visitors every summer, won the Suntory Prize for Community Cultural Activities in 2015. I was deeply impressed by the way the residents in the region continued to attract people by working together to produce a creative idea. Please visit the place if you have a chance!
Now we got off topic. Let’s get back on track. I met with grape producers in the Tsugaru region.
Mr. Ota
Mr. Kimura
They are Mr. Ota and Mr. Kimura. Mr. Ota’s farm is located at the foot of Mt. Iwaki, which is also referred to as “Tsugaru Fuji.” The greatest attraction of Tsugaru is that it has a sharp temperature difference between day and night. This time of year, the temperature rises to as high as 30 degrees C at noon, but it drops to as low as 20 degrees C at night, which is a little chilly. And a constant wind blowing produces high-quality grapes as it allows grapes to retain good acidity and lets their flavors slowly matured.
We have been growing grapes for wine in this region for nearly 40 years. A variety that is particularly drawing attention lately is Sauvignon Blanc. The variety, which is being grown with Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, is known as a wine representing Japan and was awarded a gold medal at the Japan Wine Competition.
“You are producing Sauvignon Blanc that won gold 3 years in a row. Are you happy about it?” I asked. “It is meaningless just to produce grapes representing Japan. It is meaningful only when grapes we produce are recognized as meeting the global standards,” he replied. Looking at him saying this, I thought they knew the potential of the region more than anyone else because they had been growing grapes in the region for a long time.
Mr.Kimura’s vineyard
Sauvignon Blanc is glowing steadily
Next, I visited Mr. Kimura’s farm. He, too, believes in the potential of Sauvignon Blanc and is now only growing the variety. Labor shortage is not limited to the grape production, but affects the entire Japan’s agriculture, including this region. Even a great production site like this will be lost, if there is no one to take care of it.
Mr. Kimura’s farm will be taken over by his son, so excellent grapes will continue to be produced. But labor shortage is a problem that must be solved for grape production in the region to be passed down to the next generation. We need to work to convey the attraction of grape production, not apple production, to younger generations to make “Tsugaru” recognized as one brand.
Chef Sasamori
This time I was accompanied by Chef Sasamori who is an Aomori native and is running a self-sufficient Italian restaurant in Hirosaki City. Chef Sasamori has been running his own winery in the city since 2010. I visited his vinery. Only varieties rarely seen in Japan are planted there, such as Nebbiolo, a native variety to Italy. Holding a belief in the potential of Tsugaru, he is working in nature every day, repeating various trials and errors.
Advantages of Tsugaru, its culture, people rooted in the region who embody the culture, and an organization capable of creating a sustainable environment that can support them and can be passed on to future generations. When all of them are integrated together, I think, the region will evolve into a more attractive one. Like the rice paddy art, I will promote this unique and wonderful Tsugaru region through its wine and continue to convey not only the taste of “Japan Premium Tsugaru” wine but also its rich story to a wider public, as Suntory’s wine brand ambassador.