サントリー ワイン スクエア
1989年愛知県生まれ。同志社大学在学中、留学先のニュージーランドでワインに魅了され、2014年にソムリエ資格を取得。2017年「第8回全日本最優秀ソムリエコンクール」優勝。2018年「第4回A.S.I.アジア・オセアニア最優秀ソムリエコンクール」優勝。2019年よりサントリーワイン・ブランドアンバサダー。京阪グループのフラッグシップホテルTHE THOUSAND KYOTOのシェフソムリエを務める。いま日本で最も注目されるソムリエの一人。
2020.07.21記事: 岩田渉(アンバサダー)
皆様、こんにちは!サントリーワイン・ブランドアンバサダーのソムリエ岩田です。今回は新しいヴィンテージがお披露目になりました「登美の丘 甲州 2019」についてお伝えして参ります。
「登美の丘 甲州 2019」は、登美の丘ワイナリーの自園産の甲州ぶどうを100%使ったワインで、このヴィンテージは私にとってもかけがえのない思い出深いワインです。昨年の4月、私がサントリーワイン・ブランドアンバサダーに就任して以来、初めて訪れた登美の丘ワイナリー。ちょうどその頃は桜が綺麗に咲き誇り、その背景には悠然と佇む富士山が見えました。そこに自然と溶け込む、垣根仕立てのまだまだ若い甲州のぶどうが斜面に植えられておりました。私自身も今までに色々な国のワイン産地へと訪問し、様々な畑を見学させていただきましたが、これほどまでに美しいぶどう畑は見たことがないくらい、その自然の調和に感動しました。そしてこの2019年のヴィンテージからその垣根仕立てのぶどうが初めて使用されており、あの時見た甲州ぶどうがどのような味わいをこのワインにもたらしてくれるのか、楽しみで仕方ありません。
ご家庭の様々なお料理と楽しんでいただけるのがこの「登美の丘 甲州」のよさの1つ。
サントリー 登美の丘ワイナリー 登美の丘 甲州 2019
Hi, everyone! It’s Iwata, the Suntory Wine Brand Ambassador. This time, I will tell you about Tomi no Oka Koshu 2019 vintage which was released recently.
The wine is made from 100% grapes grown in Tomi no Oka Winery.
The vintage wine has a lot of memories for me. Last April, I visited Tomi no Oka Winery for the first time since I became Suntory Wine Ambassador. Cherry blossoms were in full bloom and Mt. Fuji was seen sitting quietly in the background. On a nearby slope I could see young Koshu grapes growing on fences, blending into the surrounding landscape. I have visited various wine producing regions across the world, but this vineyard was the most beautiful and I was deeply impressed by the breathtaking harmony of the vineyard and its surrounding nature. The grapes growing on the fences here were the first grapes to be used for the 2019 vintage. I could not wait to taste and see how the Koshu grapes would add flavor to the wine.
After much anticipation, I finally tasted the 2019 vintage.
The 2018 vintage was excellent, but I felt greater freshness and energy in the 2019 vintage. The delicate and profund character of the Koshu variety is expressed in the flavor and a fine-grained acidity gives a crisp, refreshing finish. Slight phenolic bitterness coming from the grape seeds and skins provides a pleasant mouthfeel. It is a well-balanced wine where all of its elements are in perfect harmony.
*My detailed tasting notes will be provided at the end of the article.
One of the great things about the Tominooka Koshu wine is that it goes well with various home-made dishes.
The flavor of the Koshu wine gently wraps around the umami aroma of red sea bream cured with kombu, a representative Japanese dish full of iodine. The wine aged with lees (Sur Lie process) has a distinct toasty aroma that matches well with the sophisticated nutty flavor of fatty tuna. The Koshu wine is a versatile wine that goes well with not only Japanese dishes but also various cuisines from around the world.
Dishes with Chinese sesame sauce, such as Bang bang chicken, pair well with the Koshu flavor that marries nicely with the rich sesame flavor and accentuates the silky-smooth texture and umami taste of the chicken. As described, the Koshu wine is highly versatile because it goes beautifully with various types of dishes and, of course, a wide range of homemade dishes.
I encourage you to try pairing the Koshu wine with different types of food. I hope you enjoy it!
Suntory Tomi no Oka Koshu 2019
The color is a highly transparent lemon yellow tinged with gold.
The first impression of the flavor is lively and aromatic.
The zesty aromas of lemon, grapefruit, freshly handpicked pear and banana are thirst-quenching and refreshing. The slight roasted nuance accentuates the flavor.
The attack is light. Vibrant, lively acidity delivers a focused, linear palate, and the toasty flavor created by the lees as well as the umami flavor give a depth to the middle note. It is a well-balanced wine with a scintillating flavor.