サントリー ワイン スクエア

岩田 渉(いわた わたる)プロフィール

1989年愛知県生まれ。同志社大学在学中、留学先のニュージーランドでワインに魅了され、2014年にソムリエ資格を取得。2017年「第8回全日本最優秀ソムリエコンクール」優勝。2018年「第4回A.S.I.アジア・オセアニア最優秀ソムリエコンクール」優勝。2019年よりサントリーワイン・ブランドアンバサダー。京阪グループのフラッグシップホテルTHE THOUSAND KYOTOのシェフソムリエを務める。いま日本で最も注目されるソムリエの一人。


2019.06.26記事: 岩田渉(アンバサダー)


訪れたのは5月の中旬、天気は快晴。思えば、 4月に登美の丘ワイナリーを訪問した時も雲一つない素晴らしい晴天でした。自分の晴れ男運が続いて、今年の収穫まで、このまま安定した天気が続いてくれたら…と願いつつ、駅から心地よい朝日を浴びながら気分よく歩きだすと、5分くらいでワイナリーに到着です。


そんな我々で、歴史ある塩尻ワイナリーのセラーへと向かいます。塩尻ワイナリーは1936年、当時の赤玉ポートワインを製造するための支援基地という位置付けで設立されました。現在は、地元の栽培家の方々と協力しながら、「Sense of Place」=「その土地ならではの風情溢れるワイン」をつくっています。

80年以上の歴史があるワイナリーは、セラーの佇まいからも伝統が感じられます。「第一ケラー」(Keller ケラーとはドイツ語でセラーの意)の看板がついたセラーの扉からは、当時、ドイツ人技師を招聘し、ワイン造りを学んでいた日本ワインの歴史を理解することができました。



ワイナリーを一通り見学した後は、畑へ。一度、この目で見てみたかった「岩垂原のぶどう畑」です。 写真では何度か拝見したことはありましたが、その写真越しに伝わってくる自然の美しさに、目が釘づけになったことを思い出しながら畑に向かいます。活力に溢れる青々と生い茂る ぶどうの葉っぱ。健康的に実る ぶどうの一体感。そのどれにも神秘的な魅力を感じていました。

そんな畑に実際に足を踏み入れると、 「岩垂原」という名のごとく、その土地一帯には丸く大きな石がゴロゴロと転がっています。スコップを入れるとすぐに大きな石に当たってしまうほどで、それだけでも、この地で開墾することの苦労が分かります。石が多いことから水はけもよく、豪雨に襲われても、水溜まりができることもないので、ぶどうが必要以上の水分を吸収することなく、小粒で凝縮度の高いぶどうが収穫できるそうです。












岩垂原メルロ 2015





Great Journey to Shiojiri Winery!

2019.06.26Article: Wataru Iwata (Ambassador)

Hi, everyone, I am Iwata, a sommelier. The second location I visited as Suntory Wine Brand Ambassador was Suntory Shiojiri Winery in Nagano Prefecture. I not only visited the winery but also met the viticulture specialist, and I even visited a winery nearby and talked with the owner. I will report you about a great experience I had during the visit which still lingers in my mind even now, 2 weeks later, and what I felt at that time.

It was mid-May and the weather was clear and sunny. By the way, it was also cloudless beautiful weather when I visited Suntory Tomi-no-Oka Winery in April. Basking in the pleasant morning sun, I started walking from the station, hoping the sun, which shined wherever I was, would continue to shine until this year’s harvest. I arrived at the winery about 5 minutes later.

Mr. Shinoda, the head of Shiojiri Winery, welcomed me and led me to the facility that told the story of the winery. This time, a special guest accompanied me! It was Higuchi-kun (from here on called Higuchi-san) of the popular comic duo “Higedanshaku.” Higuchi-san is well versed in Japanese wine and has extensive knowledge and experience. He also contributes greatly to the promotion of Japanese wine through nation-wide tours.

We headed to a wine cellar of long-established Shiojiri Winery. Shiojiri Winery was established in 1936 as a support base for the production of Akadama Port Wine. Working in cooperation with local viticulture specialists, the winery now makes a refined wine reflective of the characteristic of the region (= “Sense of Place”)

The tradition is also felt in the cellar of the winery with a history of over 80 years. The door to the cellar with a sign reading “The first Keller (Keller is cellar in German)” gave me a glimpse into the history of winemaking in Japan, which had invited German winemakers over and learned how to make wine from them.

I entered the semi-underground cellar which maintained its original appearance and I was deeply impressed by the mold on the wall, as it made me realize it was part of the long history.


After a tour around the winery, we went to see “Iwadarehara Vineyard” - a vineyard that I had long wanted to see with my own eyes. I had seen the vineyard in photos several times. I walked to the vineyard, remembering how the beauty of the nature in the photos had captured my eyes. Lush green leaves of grapes. A sense of unity developed among grapes growing strongly. They all had captivated me with their mysterious charm.

As the name “Iwadarehara” suggests, once you step into the vineyard, you will see big round rocks cover the area. When I tried to dig into the soil, my shovel soon hit a large stone, persuading me to believe that tremendous efforts had been made to cultivate the land. I was told that the stony ground is well drained and remains free of puddles even after a torrential rain, preventing grapes from absorbing excess water, which as a result produces small, concentrated grapes.


Large stones also have a role of absorbing heat to some extent. They release heat they store during the day at night and gradually increase the ripeness of the grapes. The place, which always has a pleasant breeze, is a spot where the airstreams from the Pacific Ocean and the Japan Alps cross each other. I even felt a pleasant cooling sensation in a balmy wind. Iwadarehara is really a special place.

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to talk to Mr. Hiroyasu Yamamoto, the owner of “Yamamoto-En” in Iwadarehara who looks after Iwadarehara vineyard with great care.


Mr. Yamamoto has engaged in the viticulture for wine in the area over 40 years and is the head of the viticulturist’s association. He showed me Merlot planted in 1980. The grape vine was strong and full of vitality, which explained Mr. Yamamoto had grown it with great care and affection every day. He had not heard the name “Merlot” until he planted it in 1980. He said that he had lots of problems at the beginning, such as the vine growing branches but not bearing fruits. Every time he faced a problem, he felt so anxious and thought he had no choice but to quit, but he kept moving forward, nonetheless.


He said, however, there was a happy moment that made him forget all his hardships. It was when “Iwadarehara Merlot” grown in his vineyard was selected to be served at a major banquet during the 34th G8 Summit (Hokkaido Toyako Summit) in 2008.

When he learned that then U.S President George W. Bush also had the wine, he felt from the bottom of his heart that he was recognized for the first time for what he had done. After 30 years of worries, the happy incident happened unexpectedly to Mr. Yamamoto who, battling loneliness, had been anxious if he would be able to produce grapes and if wine made from the grapes would be enjoyed by customers.

When I heard this story, I felt a renewed sense of mission as a sommelier to not only promote wine, but also communicate the thoughts of viticulturists and their background as a story to customers.


Mr. Yamamoto, a man of gentle smiles, puts a lot of love and care into growing.
Please try “Iwadarehara Merlot” and feel its warmth through the glass!

Iwadarehara Merlot 2015
The first impression of the nose is intense and classic. The nose shows ripe black fruits like black currant and black cherry with a note of vanilla and cacao. Even touch of savory herbal character with hint of smoke gives good accent. The palate is packed with nice harmony of fully ripe black fruits and integrated oak flavor, which also gives good layers. Soft and fine-grained tannins create silky texture. This wine is a complete and deeply satisfying.


