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岩田 渉(いわた わたる)プロフィール

1989年愛知県生まれ。同志社大学在学中、留学先のニュージーランドでワインに魅了され、2014年にソムリエ資格を取得。2017年「第8回全日本最優秀ソムリエコンクール」優勝。2018年「第4回A.S.I.アジア・オセアニア最優秀ソムリエコンクール」優勝。2019年よりサントリーワイン・ブランドアンバサダー。京阪グループのフラッグシップホテルTHE THOUSAND KYOTOのシェフソムリエを務める。いま日本で最も注目されるソムリエの一人。


2020.02.21記事: 岩田渉(アンバサダー)


今回取り上げるワインは、サントリー塩尻ワイナリーでつくられる、「塩尻メルロ ロゼ」、「塩尻メルロ」そして「岩垂原メルロ」です。皆さまご存知のとおり、メルロで有名な塩尻は長野県に位置し、日本国内でも様々なユニークな食文化を持ち合わせる県の1つでもあります。

サントリー塩尻ワイナリー 岩垂原メルロ

例えば、ジューシーでフレッシュな酸を持ち合わせる「塩尻メルロ ロゼ」には長野県で生まれた、「信州サーモン」は素材としてぴったりです。信州サーモンは、上品で繊細な身質と滑らかな脂身の旨味が特徴です。養殖されたサーモンとは比べ物にならないほど風味豊かです。塩尻メルロのロゼも同じように、きめ細かい酸味と仄かなスパイシーさ、タンニン由来の苦味が、この素材の旨味と調和し、余韻にまでその豊かな風味が続いていきます。ムニエルなどの調理法もよし、ピンクペッパーをアクセントに添えたカルパッチョや、刺身で穂紫蘇などを添えて、塩で召し上がっていただくのも、素敵な相性を楽しんでいただけます。






Shiojiri Winery Series


Hello everyone! It is long time no see!
2019 was over before we knew it and 2020 has already begun. This year, the Tokyo Olympics will be held and many overseas tourists are expected to visit Japan, which is a good opportunity for us to promote our Japanese wine to the world.

The real pleasure of traveling is to enjoy local cuisines that can only be found in the region. As a sommelier, I always think about wine and food parings. Original dishes and wines that have long been enjoyed by the locals have an intimate connection and this allows us to enjoy the authentic wine and food culture of the region.

Today, I’d like to explore the connection between food and wine from Shiojiri region. The wines I will talk about this time are Shiojiri Merlot Rose, Shiojiri Merlot, and Iwadarehara Merlot, which are produced at Suntory Shiojiri Winery. As you know, Shiojiri region, famous for Merlot, is located in Nagano Prefecture which is one of the prefectures in Japan that have a diverse range of unique food cultures.

Suntory Shiojiri Winery Iwadarehara Merlot

For example, “Shinshu Salmon” the new trout farmed in Nagano Prefecture, is a perfect match for Shiojiri Merlot Rose that has juicy aroma and fresh acidity. The meat of “Shinshu Salmon” is delicate and fine and its fat is smooth. It has a rich taste incomparable with the real farmed salmon. Meanwhile Shiojiri Merlot Rose has fine acidity, a hint of spiciness and a pleasant bitterness derived from tannin, which harmonize excellently with the delicious taste of its ingredients and create a rich long-lasting finish. “Shinshu Salmon”, whether prepared as meuniere, carpaccio accented with pink peppers, or sashimi served with Japanese Shiso herb and salt, goes beautifully well with Shiojiri Merlot Rose.

Shiojiri Merlot is paired well with grilled eel glazed with a sweetened soy sauce-based sauce, a local delicacy in Okaya (a local town with a lake relatively close to Shiojiri Winery). Actually, eel is also consumed a lot in Bordeaux in France where it is called Anguille. (In France, eel is often cut into chunks and stewed with red wine.) The mild and tender fruit-based texture of Merlot goes well with the soft and melting texture of eel, and the delicious smell of the sweetened soy sauce of grilled eel perfectly matches Shiojiri Merlot’s sweet flavor of vanilla from the oak it is aged in.

A view from Suwa Lake

Iwadarehara Merlot with a complex palette goes well with gibier, such as boar and deer captured in Nagano Prefecture. Merlot harvested in this special area has a high density as well as earthy and smoky characters. Another local ingredient that makes a great wine and food paring is Shinshu Miso. The miso, a fermented seasoning, has subtle earthy characteristics that bring out the flavors of gibier and enhance the savory qualities of both the wine and the food. Hot pot dishes, like Botan Nabe (or boar hotpot), that use meat, various vegetables and mushrooms also match superbly with the complex characters of Iwadarehara Merlot, creating complex flavors and textures.

Now I hope you can see that wines produced by Shiojiri Winery, which can also be enjoyed by themselves, provide a truly palate-pleasing experience when combined with local dishes. Please enjoy the exquisite food culture provided by the wines while imagining the scenery of the region they come from.